Minggu, 25 November 2012

Unique Green Tips: Back to SchoolPlace

Riding your bike whenever possible is better for the environment AND your body!
Photograph by Jane Norton/iStockPhoto

Going back to school is an exciting time because everything's new � teachers, fellow students, supplies. However, it's not very green to buy a whole new package of markers when last year's set works just fine. In addition to reusing old supplies, we've got a great list of ways to be as green as can be in the new school year.
  • Ride your bike or walk to school.
  • Use last year's school supplies.
  • Buy a canvas and cardboard binders instead of plastic.
  • Buy recycled paper.
  • Use reusable water bottles instead of plastic.
  • Use a lunch box, not paper bags.
  • Donate last year's clothes instead of throwing them away.
  • Buy online to avoid driving.
  • Buy organic food.
  • Turn your computer off when you're not using it.
  • Decorate your lunchbox.
  • Make your own bookmarks.
  • Organize a clothes swap with your friends.
  • Carpool to sports.
  • Use refillable pens and pencils.
  • Reuse your backpack. Decorate it with cool patches.

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